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Roger Raptor

Kids of All Ages 3-100

(Dialogue-free Series of 5 min. Episodes)

ROGER RAPTOR is an animated series that thumbs its nose at the Darwinian demographic. What’s more, ground-breaking scientific research shows that raptors would always choose the vegetarian option when dining out. Our hapless villain ROGER RAPTOR is no exception. He lives to eat vegetarians like cave-dwelling family LOFTY, LANKY LIL AND BABY: The prehistoric humans who share a volcanic island with this indefatigable predator.


               ROGER RAPTOR is a series that shows nature ‘red in tooth and claw’ or at least it would if ROGER wasn’t such a colossal LOSER. Despite his constant attempts to catch and devour one of the cave-dwellers (with the help of an endless supply of anachronistic items culled from a modern-day shipping container washed up on the island’s Hula-Hula Beach) he always ends up with plenty of nothing. His enemies are overarching ambition and the laws of physics. He never understands the gravity of the situation because he doesn’t understand gravity or inertia or ‘for every action there is an opposite reaction’. That’s why he spends most of his time being pummeled by his plans as they backfire again and again and again.  


               The humans don’t survive because of their superior brain power. They have the one quality that has allowed mankind to rise to the top of the food chain… dumb luck. In fact, our series takes place before the invention of language in the previously undiscovered Pantomime Age when slapstick ruled the earth and communication took the form of grunts and slaps. Imagine a hirsute version of the Keystone Kops and you have the island’s humans to a tee.


ROGER RAPTOR is heavily influenced by classic Hollywood cartoons such as 'Road Runner' and 'Tom and Jerry'. The physical comedy may be prehistoric, but it has the contemporary twist of recent shows like 'Those Scurvy Rascals' and 'Shaun the Sheep.'

Each episode is told entirely visually, the only language being the Esperanto of the pratfall.


ROGER RAPTOR is a slapstick series of animated adventures aimed at sentient beings of all ages on the planet Earth. Because it does not depend on language for its comedy it will have wide international appeal. In every episode our hero will come up with a new plan to catch LOFTY for lunch – and in every episode he will fail… miserably but hilariously.


DIRECTOR: Graham Ralph

HEAD WRITERS: Robin Lyons and Andrew Offiler

PRODUCER: Steve Walsh

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Alan Rudoff and Paul Cummins

ANIMATION: Team Toon Studio, Colombia

ART DIRECTOR: Morgan O'Brien

ORIGINAL MUSIC: Karsten Guenther

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